Archive for war veterans

Queen tours RIM then meets war vets

Posted in Aggravations, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , on July 5, 2010 by Mitch Leuraner

Queen Elizabth speaks to Premier Dalton McGuinty and Research In Motion president Mike Lazaridis at RIM's headquarters in Waterloo, Ont. (CBC)

The CBC is reporting that this morning, her Majesty the Queen of England went on a tour of headquarters of Research In Motion Inc. – the BlackBerry people. And then, she met with Canadian Forces veterans who served in the Second World War and the Korean War.

Apparently, some of these vets, who are well into their 80s, had to wait the better part of an hour in stifling heat for their opportunity.

I can ignore for the moment strangeness of the Queen visiting a private company – she is, after all, essentially a tourist in this country.

But why on earth would she need to visit RIM before meeting the vets?  And why couldn’t we get them a cooler place to wait in line?

This country has some amazingly screwed up priorities.