Archive for S

Oh Google, you’re so clever!

Posted in Finds, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , on December 8, 2010 by Mitch Leuraner

I have been trying to wrap my head around the name for Google‘s recently anounced phone: the Nexus S.

Yes, of course every one knows that the hardware was designed by Samsung, but since the first phone was specifically called the Nexus One, it seemed silly that the new one would directly refer to the manufacturer.  After all, everyone was expecting a Nexus Two.

But then I saw it!  Oh how clever! So very, very clever! The letter ‘S’ is basically a mirror image of the number ‘2’! 


So Google has essentially named the phone ‘Nexus 2’ – just like everyone expected – but without making it obvious.  And at the same time they have a nice little hat-tip to Samsung.

Well played, Google. Well played.