Archive for BNEI Baruch Kabbalah Learning Center

Perceiving Reality is hard

Posted in Finds with tags , , , , on February 1, 2011 by Mitch Leuraner

I stumbled on tonight. It is basically just a place holder for a video in which some guy tells you why you don’t understand reality in its truest form.

I really like philosophy, so I watched the whole thing. I couldn’t embed it so you’ll have to just go there to check it out. But come back after!

Basically, it argues that people are in a sort of box, cut off from reality by our 5 senses.  Since our senses only interpret the universe around us, we don’t actually get a true understanding of reality.

Fine, I’ll accept that.  There must be some sort of transliteration between the universe and my brain.

But then the video goes on to explain that there is a kind of knowledge available that will let you experience the universe directly, as if you were not in the box.  And this is apparently a good thing because while inside the box everything sucks, outside the box is totally sweet.  Sounds great right?

That is when you find out that the whole thing is a sort of advertisement for BNEI Baruch Kabbalah Learning Center.  I can’t really speak to the validity of the center or it’s teaching – honestly, I didn’t even click the link to find out more information about it.  But I do have a question:

If we can only experience the universe through our 5 senses, and these are so limited that it is like we are stuck in a box, then how does this center know that outside the box is so awesome?

Seems fishy to me.